Sunday, February 28, 2010

30 Random Things About Myself.....

Due to the huge public demand to talk about myself, i have come up with a fun way of doing that.Have written 30 random things about myself so read on.This is the  closest you would get to knowing me up close and personal:)
1. I am a woman in the "REAL" sense of the word.
2. I do not mind telling my real age.
3.I HATE liars.
4. Be yourself and i will love you for that(If your meant to be loved by me that is:) )
5. I love chocolates and i am biiiiig Foodie!
6. You will NEVER see me out on a bad hair day.
7. Friends consider me their Agony Aunt.
8. I require perspective at regular intervals.
9. I am blessed with a wonderful family and absolutely great friends.
10. I love despite the fear of rejection.
11. I am addicted to twitter.
12. I fast for the Indian cricket team when they play an important match.
13. I love writing, reading and dancing.
14. I aspire to be a journalist one day.
15.I am very sensitive when it comes my weight .
16. I dont mind being criticised but u better have a valid point.
17. I HATE people being judgmental.
18. I am a true friend and i respect my friends and their space.
19. I can talk for hours and hours and hours...
20. I dislike people comparing 2 movies of different genres and language!
21. I cant stand people smoking!
22. I have recently developed a disorder called the "Obsessive cleaning disorder".
23. i am allergic to soft toys with fur.So any of you planning to date me,you know what not to give me:)
24. Nandita(nandu bear for me) my friend says i give the best hugs.
25.I am technologically VERY handicapped.
26. I am a night person.
27. I am an out-and-out F.R.I.E.N.D.S addict.
28. I love babies
29. Optimistic when it comes to others life definitely not mine:)
30. I love and respect myself immensely.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

For the Love of Reading......

Reading has been a passion from time immemorial. Started with the light Archie comics and Sweet Valley series. Went onto the Enid Blyton's. Took a leap to the Danielle Steele's and Sidney Sheldon's. And now find solace in the Mills & Boons when the men in reality let me down! Books have always been my companion, for the better or for worse. Thankfully,I have been able to connect with the kind of books i read. I realised a little later in life that i enjoy reading books that are on the lighter side and not they heavy ones that keep my thinking cells active for what seems an era! An example of that would be the 2006 recipient of the  Man booker prize"The Inheritance of Loss" by Kiran Desai.Well the Booker prize was what convinced me to put that on my Birthday wish list. But 3 pages into the book and i realised, if i had to understand the book then i would definitely need an Oxford's or Webster's dictionary by my side. MORAL:" Never judge the book and your capability of understanding it by the accolades it receives". For me a book is a medium by which i relax, unwind. I can discuss a book alright, but not be judgmental. I have always been in shock when somebody has confessed to me that they do not enjoy reading. Never been able to understand HOW that could ever be. But as i grew older, I realised it is just how some people are and the sooner i accept it, the better. I am also aware that some of you reading this right now are not voracious readers, but well, it is a start. Today, you might be reading this for the sake of reading. But someday, just someday, you will do it for the love of reading!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Marriages Are Made In Heaven...REALLY?

They say marriages are made in heaven so one would expect it to be effortlessly blissful unless heaven had its description changed. But a marriage is far from being blissful if the 2 involved does not put in equal efforts. Marriage is the ultimate stage of commitment when it comes to relationships. You cannot choose your family but its upto you to decide with whom you want to have the family with. When people around me proudly say "We had a 3months pre engagement period and i knew it then that we were meant to be together" or "We had a 6months engagement period and i knew that he/she was certainly the one for me", I would assume that 3 months are enough to know a person at the basic level. But many of the married couples around me, who by the way have said the above statements, having a married life far from being the one made in heaven, maybe its time I think differently! A very famous bollywood director once said in one of his tweets in Twitter,"I have decided to gift any married couple only after 5years of their marriage". Well I don't agree with that! There are couples who realise that they are not meant to be together after about 15years of marriage.What would Mr.Director have to say to that? I would rather wait a long time to find a man rather than get pressurised and end up in a divorce. This takes me back to the times my parents were brought up in. The word "divorce" had no existence in their dictionary of life. They learnt to accept their differences and learnt to deal with it in order to create a stable life for their children. They were selfless in their giving and maybe we are selfish. Maybe its time we stopped ridiculing their thoughts and beliefs and inculcated some of that in our lives since our thoughts and beliefs in this aspect does not seem to be getting us anywhere.
Marriages maybe made in heaven but it definitely takes the efforts of 2 people living on earth to make it successful!

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Mystery Of Chemistry...

A lot of times it so happens,that 2 people could share the purest form of platonic relationship yet the chemistry they share would be so strong that people find it difficult to believe the same.Quite strangely,it is very rare for a "couple" to share a strong chemistry as compared to the chemistry that 2 friends could be having.Has happened to me as well.People used to mistake a friend of mine and me to be in a relationship,when in reality we were nothing but really good friends.And i mean that in the actual sense!I used to find it ridiculous that people could actually think otherwise.But when i started to analyse the reason ,i realised that it had nothing to do with my friend or me belonging to the opposite sex nor did it have anything to do with the attraction or bonding in the physical sense either.It had a lot to do with the emotional bonding and understanding that he and i shared.If i had to crack the law of chemistry in a sentence i would say "chemistry is the immense comfort level and great rapport that 2 people share".So for those of you who have failed in creating that "sizzling"chemistry,maybe its time to stop resorting to those "high-end"techniques and start from the basics!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

That One Person...

"We come into this world alone and die alone so Never make your life an open book",an advice that we constantly hear from concerned family members.An advice that i have taken up quite seriously.Have always maintained an amount of privacy and never made my life an open book.But,having said that,I feel it is very important to have that one person with whom you can share your existence with.That one person who knows the good and bad of your life and would NEVER judge you based on the incidents of your life.A person who trusts you enough to give you your space yet lend a listening ear without any questions asked.A person who will always be there to share your "Dear diary"moments with you!It could be your parent,sibling,partner,friend,relative,pen pal or even your diary..And people who have such a person should think of themselves as quite fortunate and I consider myself in that league since i have that one person with whom i share my life..That one person with whom i have to wear no facade and get to be myself with absolutely no fear of judgement..That one person whom i would go on to call as my "SOULMATE"...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ambassadors Of The Country-No Right To Personal Lives?

I have always wondered why there is no line drawn between the professional and personal lives of people.And then i realised there is definitely a line drawn but it is a "fine thin line".A line that is very easy to be crossed leading to unnecessary media coverage and controversies.Well,the former is absent from the lives of common people like you and me.Thank God for small mercies!But what about those whose lives are under the constant media scanner?The latest John Terry ( Ex Captain of the England football team) controversy inspired me to write this post.Makes me wonder what the personal life of a sportsperson or an actor have got to do with their profession.Agreed that they are the 2 categories of people considered as the Ambassadors of their respective countries.But in all fairness it is not because of a John Terry or a Tiger Woods that numerous men are indulging in extra marital affairs.Humorous as it may seem,a John Terry or Tiger Woods with another woman is termed as "unfaithfulness" but a Brad Pitt or Saif Ali Khan with another woman is termed as "love"!!Come on now.By stripping them off their status is not going to reduce the number of extra marital affairs (which by the way never happened in the case of the latter group.Wonder why though!).These are the people who play for our countries and who entertain us respectively.So let us just sit back and judge them on that and not on their personal lives which by the way is not perfect for any of us!

Friday, February 5, 2010

An Emotion Called "LOVE"

I was asked(by a close cousin) to make my blog posts a little more personal.I pondered over it and realised it is just not me to publish my life story.And then he said "maybe about something or somebody special".Now that could be done,I thought.I don't think i would have done justice if i had written about that somebody special,so then i decided to write about an emotion that is special to me.An emotion called "LOVE".Love has been given various definitions by people all over the world.The Oxford defines it as "a warm liking or affectionate".But for me love is comfort,compatibility and trust.I could be affectionate to a lot of them or have a warm liking towards anybody.But for me Love is too heavy an emotion to be shared randomly.And by this I mean "love"in relation to parents,siblings,friends and partner.I can never HATE a person I have once loved irrespective of all the bad deeds they could have done to me.That could be because ,it takes me long to love somebody and i want to live a life with fond memories about them.Love is an emotion that i believe should be given the freedom to surface.This is the month of Love and as a parting note I would say "Let the love surface even if there is a fear of rejection".

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


A very recent article in the local newspaper caught my attention.It was about women in various parts of India who were using the ointment betnovate to lighten their skin color.After reading the article it actually got me thinking about the color indifference that is shown within our country(India) itself.People of the darker skin would do anything to lighten their skin color.Go to any extremes and this was an article that actually proved it.For people in India beautiful is fair.They forget that being dark or fair is not beauty and i wonder who ever told them that dark people cant be beautiful.And this is not just within those in the uneducated category.It even applies to the people who are educated.In the market today there are different skin whitening creams.There are advertisements that are aired showing prospective brides who are rejected because of their colour.There was even an ad that was aired where a young girl wanted to be a cricket commentator and she realises her dreams by using a whitening cream.Wonder what the color had anything to do with being a cricket commentator.Didnt you have to name the game to be one?It naturally has a negative effect on the people watching it and especially if they are on the darker side.And endorsing them are celebrities whose every move is closely followed by the people and they have the utmost effect on the minds of the people.Its shocking to see celebrities like Priyanka Chopra(former Miss World)endorsing such a product.Even in films,if there is a dark person then he is either a beggar or from a poor family.Cant a rich person be dark?Cant the most powerful person be dark?I dont think i need to give examples here to prove my point.My family which includes my father,my mother and my sister are all on the lighter side and i am the odd one out.This never really made any difference to me because my family has never ridiculed me or made me feel inferior because of my color.The day it did have an ill effect on me was when a grand aunt pointed out to me"you look exactly like your father..except for the color..what a pity".Pity???I dont think so but it did get me thinking and i did have my share of whitening creams on my dressing table.Statements like"she is beautiful,she is fair"and "she is beautiful even though she is dark"disturbs me.Why do people believe that dark people cant be beautiful?The latter statement obviously holds my point.
When Indian students in Australia are attacked in the name of racism a hue and cry is made about it and the Government is made to intervene.What is happening in our country is no less than racism itself.But none will accept it.I wonder what steps the Government would take to eradicate the "color indifference"that prevails in our country.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Day I Bid Adieu 2 Chennai!

 Been in Chennai for 5 years!Wouldnt call it long as i never realised the day my life in Chennai came to an end.And its been 8months since i left that place!The day i had to leave Chennai,it took me back to the year 2004 when i was preparing myself to start a life in Chennai.The one thing common between the 2 periods were the mixed emotions making their presence felt within me.8 months back I was looking forward to spending quality time with my parents,was looking forward to the break that i had longed for but was certainly not looking forward to a life a sea away from friends.Chennai has given me a lot in terms of experiences,memories,friends,LOVE!A place that taught me to be independent and face the world with confidence.A place that taught me the true meaning of the saying"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder".A place that taught me that life is always what you make of it and what you want from it.And finally it was a place that created a lot of "FIRSTS"in my life!It was time to bid farewell to this city.A city that moulded me into a woman.Thank you chennai for u have given me experiences to learn from,memories to cherish and friends to treasure for life....

Monday, February 1, 2010

BLOGGING:A Medium to Show off Or Express?

A very recent conversation with a good friend of mine Gijo gave birth to my 1st topic as a Blogger.In a way this conversation was the very reason I decided to Blog.Before you all reach any sort of conclusion,this is not the only blog that i will be posting!Most of them in Gijo's league feel strongly that a lot of the bloggers namely the famous ones blog just to show off.Show off about what you may ask.Well show off about their achievements,their writing skills and that they are making time to connect with their fans inspite of their busy schedules.With all dues respect to those people(including gijo)I beg to differ completely.For me blogging is a platform where one gets to express their opinions about things happening around them without having to think twice.A blog is "YOUR SPACE" and "YOUR VOICE".You dont need to be politically correct here.A platform where you get to show people who you really are and a space that keeps you in check with you real self.True that blogging has become the "in thing"now and a lot of bloggers are resorting to it only everybody else is doing it irrespective of the fact that they have no clue what or why they are doing it.But hey!There are a lot of genuine ones here as well,who just wants to be heard and not judged!